Can you get too much sleep?

Can you get too much sleep?

Are you getting too much sleep?

  • Sleeping more than nine hours a night, and sitting too much during the day, could be a hazardous combination, particularly when added to a lack of exercise.
  • A person who sleeps too much, sits too much and isn't physically active enough is more than four times as likely to die early as a person without those unhealthy lifestyle habits.

How much is too much sleep?

Sleeping for more than nine hours a night is too much.

Too little exercise is defined as less than 150 minutes a week.

Sitting for more than seven hours a day is too much sitting.

What is the triple whammy effect?

  • Evidence that too much sitting is bad for you and there is growing understanding about the impact of sleep on our health.
  • "When you add a lack of exercise into the mix, you get a type of 'triple whammy' effect.
  • We should really be taking these behaviors together as seriously as we do other risk factors such as levels of drinking and unhealthy eating patterns.

Is a lack of sleep dangerous too?

  • Researchers found another problematic triple threat:
  • smoking,
  • high alcohol intake
  • And lack of sleep (less than seven hours a night) is also linked to a more than four-times greater risk of early death.
Sharon Izak Elaine Chat staff